I saw this recipe originally as a Tomato Chutney and it seemed to be very sweet with the amount of sugar needed. As ever, it was time for me to tweak! It was such an easy method that I felt it was worth trying but I like the traditional combination of tomato and sweet peppers so decided to make it this way.
It worked and how! This chutney is definitely worth making if you like a chutney with your cheese or your ham sandwich, or a comforting toastie and of course if you’re having a sausage and bacon roll, a good tomato chutney is the flourish it needs for a perfect result!
What’s great about this recipe is that you can adapt it to suit your own personal taste so you can make it sweeter if you like, add a dash more chilli for a kick, some ginger for extra warmth … you get the idea 🙂
I got 4 medium sized jars out of this quantity and they would make perfect gifts for friends and family.
500g red onion, finely sliced (I used half this amount)
1kg tomatoes, peeled, chopped and de-seeded
4 garlic cloves, you can slice or mince depending on personal taste
1 red chilli, chopped (optional)
2 medium sized Bramley apples, peeled and chopped
4cm piece of ginger, peeled and grated
2 tbsp. honey
2 large pieces of roasted red peppers, chopped (I used the ones from a jar)
1 tin of plum tomatoes
100g brown sugar
150ml red wine vinegar
Before you begin, peel the tomatoes before slicing and deseeding. Here’s a quick video to show you a simple way: https://www.facebook.com/soraya.quigley/videos/g.1163861383632172/10207989372033268/?type=2&theater
Once you have chopped all the ingredients, place them into a large heavy based pan and bring the whole thing to a gentle simmer making sure to stir frequently so nothing sticks. It looks like there’s too much liquid but it will reduce down (I promise 🙂 ) It’s also really bright but it darkens as it thickens.

Once you reach a simmer, keep it at this for an hour and stir regularly, again so nothing sticks and especially doesn’t burns. The taste will be awful if it does burn.
Then bring the mixture to a boil as you want it to reduce down to a jammy consistency. I took the lid off the pan and it seemed to work quicker. It took about 45 minutes to reach the desired consistency and it should go darker in colour too. Keep stirring regularly.
Place into still warm sterilized jars and allow it to cool before covering with sterilized lids. There you have it. All the work really is in the preparation.
Officially it will keep for 6 weeks, sealed in a cupboard but I have known it to last for up to 4 months. Once opened, refrigerate and use within 2 weeks (this won’t be hard!!)
I have found the chutney can sweeten a bit with time. It does change as it matures so each jar tends to taste differently which is kind of cool.
This is a great recipe for introducing you to making chutney and makes fantastic gifts for those you love.
Make with love
Soraya x