Easy Nuts & Seeds Bars – Gluten & Dairy Free & Vegan

These bars are packed full of goodness and take very little time to make and only 20 minutes to bake in the oven. They keep for up to 1 week in an airtight container in the fridge so they are perfect for busy people, healthy snacks, workout treats and if you are short of time in the morning.

The fact you can top them with your favourite ingredients makes them perfect just for you! If you are on a Vegan lifestyle, then substitute the honey for Agave or Date Syrup and be sure to get a vegan muesli. All the ingredients possess nutritional value of their own so these bars are pretty power packed of goodness!

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Gluten Free, Paleo Home Made Energy Bars

Shop bought energy bars can be expensive and sometimes contain processed ingredients so these home made ones are a perfect solution. You can use the same basic ingredients and tweak to suit your tastes and needs.

As this was my first time making them, I changed only a few bits from the original recipe but next time, I will be making them with added seeds such as pumpkin and sunflower seeds. I would prefer dried cranberries to raisins, but that’s a personal choice. The dates are the one ingredient you can’t change as they create the bind you need to make the bars.

paleo, gluten free, energy bars, cozebakes, dates, sugar free, healthy snacks Continue reading