Gluten Free Chicken Goujons & Potato Wedges

We love a Fakeaway! All the flavours with far less calories, processed ingredients and you know it’s good for you! I’m not for one minute saying we shouldn’t have takeaways because life is too short but making your own Fakeaway means you can enjoy your favourites more often!

Everyone loved this recipe. I served it in baskets to really make it feel like we used to have as kids. Remember Chicken & Chips in a basket? So not only is this Gluten Free but it’s got a healthier slant as I’m using Brown Rice Breadcrumbs plus economically, it’s cheaper too!

The quantities below are for 2 people (with some leftovers) so just increase as needed.

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Gluten Free Seeded Bread

glutenfree bread, seeded bread, bread recipe

I can honestly say this recipe may become more popular than my Gluten Free Scones one. Since I posted the reels on Facebook and Instagram, it’s been tried by so many people and what’s the best test is that it has been a success for everyone! It’s the real deal and the feedback has been just so amazing.

I’m really proud as I devised this recipe myself by using bits from other recipes that I have here plus using my knowledge about Gluten Free Baking and it’s been such a success that it’s like watching one of your kids do well (hahahahah) but seriously, try it!!

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Lasagna – Gluten Free, Dairy Free and Vegan

Gluten Free, Vegetarian, Dairy Free, Vegan

This is a delicious Lasagna recipe which uses no meat but it’s hard to tell the difference. A little trick I have with kidney beans works wonders! Using plant milk and cheese means this lasagna will also be vegan and dairy free.

Don’t be put off by the sauce – it takes about 10 minutes and is so much better for you than a packet. A tip for time saving would be to make double the quantity of a bolognese sauce and keep the second half for when you want to make a lasagna. All you have to do is make the sauce, add a few bits and pieces and bake in the oven!

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Caramelised Onion & Mature Cheddar Gluten Free Scones

Scones are and always will be, a favourite with us all but what way do you lean when it comes to choosing a scone? For me, I almost always choose a savoury scone. I just love the combination of flavours and they work so well with soup or a salad for lunch. If I’m on the run, I feel they are a better choice when I don’t have time to sit and eat breakfast but that’s probably all in my head.

I wanted to take my hugely successful Fluffiest Gluten Free Scone recipe and adapt it to make a delicious and really tasty savoury scone and had lots of flavour combinations running through my head. Then it hit me! How I love a sandwich full of rich, mature cheddar cheese and a caramelised onion relish and this would work so well in a scone version. Even though most shop bought jars of relish are probably gluten free due to their ingredients, unfortunately it’s not really worth taking a chance so it’s safer to make your own and my recipe is very quick and simple and you’ll have some leftover to use in a toasted sandwich!

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Gluten Free Brown Scones

As much as I love a sweet scone, my heart probably lies firmly in the Brown Scone box. I really love a hearty brown scone. I love that I can decide to go with butter, or jam but if I feel like it, I can top with some cheese or whatever may take my fancy that day.

Unfortunately trying to find a gluten free brown scone has been almost impossible and I did try one but it was like eating grain from the miller (without the help of finer processes)!

So one day while I was making some gluten free brown bread, I thought …. this might work so I gave it a go and success! I know I’m going on a bit about it but honestly, I feel I came up with this idea and practically created a gluten free brown scone!

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Homemade Sausage Rolls – Gluten Free Options

This recipe will make delicious sausage rolls for everyone to enjoy and one of the best highlights is you can adapt them to vegetarian, gluten free and change the flavours around. The smell of these baking will bring them all running to the kitchen! They are best eaten on the day they are made but will keep for another day or so in an airtight container. Heat gently if you like them hot.

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Quick & Easy Gluten Free Bread Rolls

Found this recipe for very quick and simple Gluten Free Bread Rolls using only 3 ingredients and had to think long and hard about making them. I was so sure I would be wasting produce and they would be awful that it took me a number of weeks and a worldwide pandemic before deciding to try them!

Wish I had made the decision earlier. I honestly can’t believe how amazing these rolls are. I’ve made them and I’m still in total disbelief. They are just so good; they turn out light and delicious and will stay fresh in an airtight container for up to 4 days. They also toast beautifully too!

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Quick & Easy Bread Rolls

You need just 3 ingredients to make these bread rolls. Yes you read right …. three ingredients. That’s all. One bowl, a whisk and a muffin tin. In under 20 minutes, you will have the most light and totally great bread rolls. These rolls are like a little baking miracle 🙂 🙂

You can get 6 large rolls out of this recipe or about 8 medium sized ones. If you go for hand held, bite sized rolls, then you should get 10 from the recipe.

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Cheesy Sundried Tomato, Walnut & Thyme Muffins

You can make about 24 mini muffins or 12 average sized delicious servings from this recipe. They are totally yummy and it’s really nice to offer a savoury bake at the start of a Coffee Morning, Afternoon Tea or just as part of a buffet.

For a healthier version, I replaced the flour with Spelt Flour which is far less processed and easier for you to digest and it worked well.

The type of cheese you use is up to you but you do need a good strong tasting cheese to get that hit. I used fresh grated Parmesan and it worked so well with the sundried tomato and thyme. I’ve previously used Mature Cheddar also but I would suggest you increase the quantity.

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Gluten Free White Bread Recipe

After the success of the Gluten Free Brown Bread Recipe, link here:  I decided to try a white bread one. I’m not a fan of white bread and rarely eat it. The highly processed and additive full versions add nothing to a healthy diet so why include it?

Then I found this recipe, also from the folks at Doves Farm for their white bread recipe and thought it was worth a try. I’m converted! Plain and simple, totally converted! It is so delicious and cuts so beautifully, plus I know exactly what the ingredients are. I had no bloating or feeling of being unwell after eating it which was a very pleasant surprise.

Honestly I spent that much time just looking at the results of this recipe, it’s crazy but I couldn’t believe that gluten free white bread could turn out so beautifully, cut so well, taste so good and keep longer than a lot of other gluten free breads I’ve made in the past.

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Gluten Free Brown Bread

I recently found brown bread flour from Doves Farm. I use their flours in most of my gluten free baking. The quality is always excellent.

To make gluten free brown bread, it requires a mix of a few different flour types with lots of trials so to find one that’s been created, tested and is successful is such a joy! It’s great they have taken all the hard work out of trial and error with different flour blends and found the perfect combination!

You can find the complete Freee range from Dove’s Farm here: 

The first time I made this recipe, I followed it to the letter and it resulted in a totally delicious and authentic brown bread. Such happiness ensued I can’t tell you! After that, I started to add my own twists and each loaf has been perfect.

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