Gluten Free Seeded Bread

glutenfree bread, seeded bread, bread recipe

I can honestly say this recipe may become more popular than my Gluten Free Scones one. Since I posted the reels on Facebook and Instagram, it’s been tried by so many people and what’s the best test is that it has been a success for everyone! It’s the real deal and the feedback has been just so amazing.

I’m really proud as I devised this recipe myself by using bits from other recipes that I have here plus using my knowledge about Gluten Free Baking and it’s been such a success that it’s like watching one of your kids do well (hahahahah) but seriously, try it!!

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Your Best Gluten Free Recipe Book!

gluten free recipe book, gluten free recipes, gluten free baking, coeliac recipes, coeliac friendly,

Have you got your copy of Gluten Free Baking from the Heart? Published in November 2020, it has been selling successfully online due to Covid restrictions but now is appearing in your local book shop. Reviews and feedback have been amazing!

Let me take your hand and work through each recipe for perfect Gluten Free Bakes every time! Most of the ingredients I’ve used you can find in your supermarket so nothing strange or expensive here!

Makes a great gift too! Let’s Make it, Bake it, Love it!

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The Fluffiest Gluten Free Scone Recipe – variations included

I have a gluten free scone recipe already here and it’s a good one too. I found mixing gluten free flour with almond flour was a great way to get a delicious result and I have no complaints about it. You can try it here:

My gluten free scone world was moving along very nicely thank you until I visited Marlfield House and they served THE most fluffy scone I’ve ever tasted and it was gluten free! I couldn’t get the scone out of my head and once home did a little research on different gf scone recipes and decided to try adding rice flour to my recipe. Obsessed?? Me?? 🙂 🙂 Oh did it deliver and how so it was worth it!

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Classic Victoria Sponge Cake – Gluten Free Recipe

victoria sponge, gluten free victoria sponge, gluten free baking, gluten free sponge, coeliac friendly, coeliac baking, easy bakes, cozebakes

A traditional and well loved cake which never fails to please and is so versatile. It’s elegant and can be as simple or fancy as you like. This gluten free version is so good it’s impossible to tell the difference and I’ve put some serving options at the bottom of the page if you would like to try them.

If you’re following a dairy free diet, this can be adapted also by a) replacing the margarine with dairy free spread, b) using almond or soya milk and c) dairy free cream for the filling. All are available in most supermarkets.

It will serve 8 to 10 and can be frozen without the cream. Sponge freezes so well.

victoria sponge, gluten free victoria sponge, gluten free baking, gluten free sponge, coeliac friendly, coeliac baking, easy bakes, cozebakes Continue reading