Good Morning Scones

I wanted to make a tasty scone that didn’t leave me feeling bloated when I enjoyed one mid morning and my aim was to have it sugar free and healthy so I combined a couple of fresh and dried ingredients you would normally have in the kitchen,  added some spices and used my Best Scone Recipe as the base. Here’s that recipe if you want to try it:  

So the Good Morning Scones were born! They are full of lovely naturally sweet ingredients like dried cranberries and sultanas plus using a mix of wholemeal flour with the plain flour adds a healthy, full of fibre boost. I used a mix of sunflower and pumpkin seeds to add even more healthy bites.

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Cheese Straws – Gluten Free option

Cheese Straws are such a great recipe to go with any type of drinks you’re having. Whether it’s prosecco or a beer, they just work so well and can be serve on their own or as part of a platter with dips and other nibbles. Just two ingredients and you have it sorted!

You can make them as big or small as you like and as you can now buy Gluten Free Puff Pastry from Jus Rol, everyone can enjoy them. I prefer to make them with puff pastry as it gives a nice few layers to them but if you don’t or can’t get it, then use shortcrust pastry.

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Savoury Soda Bread Muffins

This is a really versatile recipe using Soda Bread Muffins as the base, it’s like bread’s take on fast food but lighter and with lots of flavour!

Easy to make, baked very quickly in individual muffin tins, they are ideal for lunch boxes or to eat on the go.

There are endless variations of this recipe and it’s all down to personal taste and who you are making them for. I’m going to give you one variation in the recipe here and after that, your ideas will flow.

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Cheese Scones

These scones are so full of comfort, there should be a prescription for them. They are so tasty and I’ve given you some ideas for adapting them to suit your own personal taste.

This recipe will make 6 good sized scones and they freeze really well too so you can happily double up the recipe. I’ve also added an idea if you’re feeding little people to make them more appealing.

They are quick to put together and make the most delicious snack or serve with some warm soup..

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Oaty Brown Bread – No flour, no sugar, no butter or oil

oaty brown bread, gluten free brown bread, no flour bread, easy brown bread

 I don’t claim this recipe to be in any way mine. It’s been doing the rounds for absolutely years and everyone has their version and their method. I found this one works for me. It does bake differently sometimes depending on what I add.

A friend gave me this recipe from I think a Weight Watchers book. It looks and tastes very like brown bread but uses no sugar, no flour, no oil or buttermilk … so it’s a healthier way to enjoy what seems like brown bread.

oaty brown bread, gluten free brown bread, no flour bread, easy brown bread

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Gluten Free Pizza Dough Recipe

gluten free baking, gluten free pizza base, gluten free pizza dough, full irish breakfast pizza, cozebakes, wheat free pizza dough

This recipe sort of scared me at first but I figured, I won’t know unless I try and it was much easier than I thought, turned out really well and I topped it with a Full Irish Breakfast topping for something a little different.

If you want pizza, then just use the Passata or Tomato Puree and use your favourite pizza toppings for a great family meal.

gluten free baking, gluten free pizza base, gluten free pizza dough, full irish breakfast pizza, cozebakes, wheat free pizza dough Continue reading

Easy Brown Bread Recipe

brown bread, oats, porridge bread, homemade brown bread, easy brown bread, baking bread, no proving bread recipe, brown bread recipe

This Brown Bread recipe was a change from the one I usually make and it has me converted. It slices so beautifully, holds it shape and tastes totally delicious! The recipe makes a 2lb loaf tin and sliced so well, it was a total pleasure to serve and not an ounce of waste. It got rave reviews from the brown bread lovers too!

It makes quite a sloppy mixture but the wonderful thing is there is very little work, no kneading or proving and no machinery needed. Just a wooden spoon 🙂  I’m told on good authority this is the recipe used at Ariel House for their breakfast bread!

brown bread, brown bread recipe, porridge, wholemeal flour, healthy bread

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No Pasta Lasagne – Gluten & Wheat Free

gluten free, wheat free, no pasta lasagne, lasagne, doritos, tortilla wrap, mince dishes, cheese dishes, dinner ideas

I saw a video clip showing this delicious recipe for a dish similar to Lasagne but using no pasta. As I live in a house with both a coeliac and a gluten intolerant, this really caught my eye. It’s simple and quick to make and after working out measurements, temperatures and timings, it’s now become a firm favourite in our house. What I love about this dish is that I can make it a vegetarian option so easily!

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